Creative Direction


User Research


Hi, I’m Kenzie!

I love the creative world and its various landscapes; whether it’s in fashion, doing collaborative photoshoots, film, music, and even science. I’m always eager to learn what else is out there. Challenging my creativity and ideas with every project I do.


I have been studying the arts throughout my education, achieving to get some of my art hung up in tattoo shops and some stores in Toronto 2016. I completed an Art Fundamentals certificate program at Sheridan College and just finished up my bachelor’s degree in Interaction Design at Sheridan College. Throughout my school education, I managed to work two part-time jobs, one for the Town of Oakville and the other a serving job. I was also a representative for Sheridan College Art Fundamentals program in 2017, helping answer any curious students and parents questions about the program during the open houses.

I was the communications team lead executive for Hackademics Club earning sponsors such as Adobe XD, Red Bull and other great companies, as well as merchandise and workshops for our 2021 Hackville event. During my internship with Co-Op on the EDGE I created a sustainable clothing brand with Sarah Spencer. Winning the most impactful venture 2021 prize, coming in second place overall and I came in first with using the most resources throughout my time there.

Want to know more?

Checkout my resume or feel free to contact me!