
SPENCER & STONE is a high-quality, sustainable streetwear and loungewear piece, that is timeless and unique in design.

With designs inspired by nature and fluid self-expression, our collections are crafted to always be in style. Our colours and prints are minimalist so your personal style can shine through.


Sarah Spencer

Kenzie Stone



User Interviews



14 Weeks


UX/Ui Design



Web Design

The Problem

The over consumption of clothing has skyrocketed in the past few years. Fast fashion has gotten to the point where everything is trending all at once.

Clothes are being made from pollutants, micro plastics and harsh dyes. Some clothing companies are also unethical and have unsafe working conditions


Some of the research showed that many companies either have a very small percentage use sustainable materials so they can still use the label to attract more customers or there are fake sustainable clothing companies. Where they use toxic dyes.

Grimond, W. Warden, J. (June 11, 2021) Fast Fashion's Plastic Problem. Retrieved from https://www.thersa.org/globalassets/reports/2021/fast-fashions-plastic-problem.pdf


The surveys prove that people care about where they are buying their products and what they are purchasing.

The Market

“The global ethical fashion market size reached a value of nearly $6.35 billion in 2019, having increased at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.7% since 2015. The market is expected to grow from $6.35 billion in 2019 to $8.25 billion in 2023 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.8%.” (The Business Research Company, 2020).

The Solution

To create sustainable, artistic street-wear apparel that appeals to the demographic that consumes most fast fashion products.

Marketing & Sales

Social Media

Leveraging social media channels such as Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, TikTok and YouTube. Educational and informational content and resources that help customers understand why and how we create our apparel in the ways we do, and why it is important.

Email Marketing

Building our email list through the "coming soon" page of our website. Sending out promotions and pre-order marketing, as well as using the platform to share educational information, gather data and stay connected with our customers.


Partnering with brands and services that align with our business's values and goals. This looks like tagging and referencing the brands we love and use in our content. Canadian businesses, women in business, other sustainable business ventures and communities representing health and wellness. Partnering with holistic subscription boxes, pop-up shops at events, hosting live educational videos, speaking on podcasts, and sponsoring events.



The direct competition is the brands operating online, creating streetwear and loungewear-specific apparel, or using a sustainable manufacturing model and made in Canada.


The indirect competition is the brands serving our broader target audience, operating online and in-store, creating streetwear and loungewear apparel as well as classic garments and accessories, using sustainable and non-sustainable manufacturing processes.

Good for Sunday

  • Canadian Made

  • Sustainable

Dazey LA by Dani Dazey

  • Online

  • Sustainable

Urban Outfitters

  • Serves broader Target Audience

  • Streetwear style

Target Audience

Women and men ages 18-30 who are environmentally conscious, sustainable living advocates and express their personalities through fashion and art.

Our ideal customer faces a dilemma when they want to purchase high-quality, trendy, yet sustainable streetwear, however, they struggle to find truly sustainable brands they can rely on.

Logo Designs

We started with the name RISSK but later found out that multiple businesses have used a variation of the word “risk” and we did not want to drive customers to the wrong business when looking for our brand. Later changed it to something more personal, Spencer & Stone, where I was able to experiment with the double S still. Here are some of the rough samples of logos I sketched out throughout the process.

Final Logo

  • Tags

    Logo for the product tags

  • The Emblem

    This logo will appear on all sleeves, hoods or side of the garments

  • Website

    Logo for the website

Wire Framing

Want to continue to use a neutral nature-inspired colour pallet, to help portray how our brand is sustainable and it all comes together with the logo here are the website wireframes.

Final Look

Lessons Learned

Research is not just in the beginning stages but throughout the entire project.

It’s important to research consistently throughout the entire process of creating a product. Whether it be a lounge line or a website, it’s important to explore the best possible solution.

Not getting too attached to designs and ideas.

Getting feedback is what makes you better. Not only constantly changing the designs and the layout so that the users have the best experience our venture can offer. Also having roadblocks that you have no control over and learning how to quickly navigate through them quickly and efficiently, such as learning that our first venture name had been used in many different business variations already.


  • 2nd Place Co-Op on the EDGE Pitch Competition


  • Most Impactful Venture Co-Op on the EDGE


  • Displaying the Highest Level of EDGE Engagement



HealthyMe Systems Application